Top of Navi
layout piece
layout piece
layout piece Bottom of Navi layout piece

MugshotName: Stig
Age: 20
Height: 6'3"
Eye Color: Wintergreen
Finishing Move: Knightfist! He'll hit you with his FIST!
Comments: I'm pretty sure I'm Batman....
History: Spoiled since the day he was born, Stig grew up with all the friends money could buy. He also grew into quite the looker, which could get him a girlfriend, if he wasn't such an intense prick. Stig also happens to be pretty smart, having graduated college 2 years before the rest of his roomies with full credit, though he lived in the dorms for about a year after graduation because he liked the cafeteria food.


Full Body Shot
Anime Headshot


|-- Amanda --|-- Joel --|-- Lisa --|-- Sam --|-- Stig --|-- Corey --|-- Meredith --|






Idle Minds is © 2000 Stig Greve, Sam Walker, Joel McCoy, Lisa Thornsbury, and Amanda Cosmos - All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or printing is strictly prohibited. Idle Minds is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. CGI script hosting provided by