Top of Navi
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layout piece Bottom of Navi layout piece

Joel MugshotName: Joel
Age: 21
Height: 5'6"
Eye Color: Gray
Finishing Move: Glow Skin Flare
Comments: "We are all connected"
History: While no one is exactly sure where Joel comes from, it's a common tale that he was left on the side of the road by his biological parents while they hastily changed a tire on a roadtrip. He was later found by a wild pack of geeks and raised as one of their own. Were they technology geeks or chicken-head-biting-blood-slurping-odd-looking geeks no one is quite sure, for he seems a volatile mix of both.


Joel Pic 1
Joel Pic 2


|-- Amanda --|-- Joel --|-- Lisa --|-- Sam --|-- Stig --|-- Corey --|-- Meredith --|





Idle Minds is © 2000 Stig Greve, Sam Walker, Joel McCoy, Lisa Thornsbury, and Amanda Cosmos - All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or printing is strictly prohibited. Idle Minds is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. CGI script hosting provided by