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Lisa MugshotName: Lisa
Age: 21
Height: 5'2"
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Finishing Move: Ball Buster
Comments: no comment
History: Growing up, Lisa wasn't really something to look at. But as soon as she hit 17 years old, she turned into pure evil in high heels. She realized that she could manipulate men to do her bidding using her good looks, and never looked back. Alternately, she formed a "good girl" persona to use during the daytime in that of a Japanese student in college, which is how she met the rest of the group.


Lisa Pic 1
Lisa Pic 2


|-- Amanda --|-- Joel --|-- Lisa --|-- Sam --|-- Stig --|-- Corey --|-- Meredith --|





Idle Minds is © 2000 Stig Greve, Sam Walker, Joel McCoy, Lisa Thornsbury, and Amanda Cosmos - All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or printing is strictly prohibited. Idle Minds is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. CGI script hosting provided by