Monday , March 25 , 2002
There's still hope! AGAIN!
Check out Nothing But and Colony Team II, my new comics, starting up SOON!
-={([ Sam ])}=-
if anyone has a borrowed copy out of the idle minds experience, the borrowing is free for one week. if the borrowed copy is not returned within seven days of the initial borrowing, a late fee of seventy five (75) american dollars is charged to the borrower. No excuses will be taken. It is assumed that if one borrows a copy of the Idle Minds experience, they have read and agreed to this paragraph of legally bindng text, and will adhere to it without fail. If the borrowed copy of the idle minds experience is not returned after the second week, the late fee will double every week thereafter, from $75 to $150 to $300 to $600 to $1,200 to $2,400 and so on until the borrowed copy is returned to the handler. Thank you for borrowing a copy of the Idle Minds Experience!